Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Taking a Rest . . .

Ever feel that you're running faster than you're able?
Well, so does the blog. ;) {and the team leaders, for that matter}

We've seen so much activity in the forum thread . . .

So we're changing things up a bit, doing a bit of an experiment.

We'll be moving a couple features to the team forum threads instead of highlighting the features here on the blog.

One EXCITING new development is that we'll be moving the "Positive Quote" to the threads also. This will allow members to contribute their own Positive Quotes they run across.

You can visit the Positive Quote thread HERE .

The blog won't be very active over the next little while. Look, instead, to our monthly chat thread, where we'll make announcements, promote each other, and share positivity in general.


Affectionately, The Team Leaders

Monday, 11 July 2011

Monday Positivity Quote!

"Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece." Dalai Lama 

'Bloom' Original Watercolour by so very happy art

A to Zen of life:

A-avoid negative sources, people, places, and habits
B-believe in yourself
C-consider things from every angle
D-don't give up and don't give in
E-everything you're looking for lies behind the mask you wear
F-family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches
G-give more than you plan to
H-hang on to your dreams
I-if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door
J-judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it
K-keep trying no matter how hard it seems
L-love yourself
M-make it happen
N-never lie, steal, or cheat
O-open your arms to change but don't let go of your values
P-practice makes perfect
Q-quality not quantity in anything you do
R-remember that silence is sometimes the best answer
S-stop procrastinating
T-take control of your own destiny
U-understand yourself in order to understand others
V-visualise it
W-when you loose, don't loose the lesson
X-cellence in all your lessons
Y- you are unique nothing can replace you
Z-zero in on your target and go for it

~I love this, SO relevant for those of us who have Etsy shops too, and who question ourselves and what we create from time to time!! :)

with love,